Other Oxford events

Brexit - explained

Event on first floor; no step free access.
Past event - 2018
16 May Doors open 19:00. Event 19:30-21:30
House Bar, Wheatsheaf Yard, 11 Blue Boar St,
Oxford OX1 4EE
Brexit - what does this mean? Yes we’re leaving the EU, but maybe we can bring a piece of the EU here to Oxford? Kalypso and Tom will discuss the impact that the EU has had on us, how leaving will affect us, and how we may mirror some of their more practical ideas moving forward. (Please note: Kalypso's talk replaces the previously advertised talk by Anand Menon, who has unfortunately had to withdraw.)

Making Oxfordshire's streets liveable

Dr Tom Sinclair (Associate Professor of Philosophy / Organiser, Oxfordshire Liveable Streets)
We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to make the streets of Oxfordshire liveable for everyone. Better for residents; better for people using them to get from one place to another; better for people who want to enjoy the journey; better for people coming to them as a destination. Concerns about pollution, public health, congestion, safety, and preservation all point in the same direction. At the same time, the fact that these concerns are more widely shared than ever before makes change realistically possible.

Brexit Mythology, Brexit Arithmetics

Kalypso Aude Nicolaïdis (Professor of International Relations)
Kalypso Nicolaidis will be discussing her new crowd-sourced book on Brexit where Biblical and Greek myths help us make sense of Brexit. In this saga through Brexit mythology, Kalypso asks what 'means' means in “Brexit means Brexit.” She offers a plea for acknowledging each other’s stories, with their many variants, ambiguities and contradictions. And in this spirit of recognition, calls for a mutually respectful, do-no-harm Brexit - the smarter, kinder and gentler Brexit possible in our hard-edged epoch of resentment and frustration.
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