Other London events

Symmetries: from Romanticism to Whatsapp

Past event - 2017
17 May Doors open 6:30 - Event 7-9
The Yorkshire Grey, 2 Theobalds Road,
London WC1X 8PN
Sold Out!
The notion of symmetry plays a central role in mathematics and has various applications in many areas of science such as molecular chemistry, spectroscopy, quantum physics and cryptography.
 In the first two talks, Doctor Lleonard Rubio and PhD student Antoine Pierson are going to focus on the application of symmetries in our daily digital conversations and how they allow us to comunicate in a secure way. In the last lecture, Professor Yang will explore the origin of the formal study of symmetries studying the romantic figure of Evariste Galois. The event will be in the first floor room.

Algebra, the Masterkey of your Whatsapp conversations

Antoine Pierson (PhD Student in Algebra)
When you chatting with your friends using Whatsapp all the messages are encrypted. This process is the same as sending a parcel with a lock on it which prevents an eavesdropper from being able to understand your conversation (or open the box). To understand the encrypted message (or to open the box) the receiver has to use a key. During this talk, Antoine will explain the mathematics behind such a protocol.

Who Would You Trust More?

Dr Lleonard Rubio (Researcher in Algebra)
In the second talk, Lleonard would address a problem related to Antoine's talk: how is it possible to communicate a key when people are far from each other?
In ancient times trusted couriers were used to exchange secret messages and codes. Who is taking care of this delicate business nowadays? During this talk we are going to explain why elliptic curves (the curly lines on the picture) are great candidates for this job. 

"I have no time...." : The Greatest Romance in the History of Mathematics 

Professor Yang-Hui He (Professor in Mathematics)
What is abstract algebra? How did it arise from the so-called Quintic Problem?
The solution to this problem engendered not only a revolution in mathematics, but also arguably the most romantic story in the history of science.
In this talk, designed for a general audience, Professor Yang-Hui He will give a historical account of both the mathematics and the story of the man, Evariste Galois, who solved it.
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