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Recent advances in artificial intelligence are bringing technology to life, enabling computers to make complex decisions in a number of exciting situations. But whilst we focus on injecting life into our tech, we must consider how death plays a part too. What actually happens to our data after we die? Join us for an eclectic mixture of talks that look at the effect on technology from both ends of the spectrum of life.
Explainable Reasoning for Autonomous Systems
Dr Mohan Sridharan
(Senior Lecturer in the School of Computer Science, University of Birmingham)
Systems that learn and make decisions on their own are increasingly being used in applications such as assistive robotics, autonomous navigation, and health care. These systems work with incomplete domain knowledge and noisy observations from sensors. Widespread use of such systems requires the ability to explain the decisions made, the underlying knowledge and beliefs, and the experiences that informed these beliefs, in human-understandable terms. In this talk, Mohan will discuss the state of the art and the challenges that need to be addressed to construct and provide such explanations.
Digital Legacy - death and law on the Internet
Dr Edina Harbinja
(Senior lecturer in media/privacy law, Aston University)
In this talk, Edina will argue that the same autonomy to dispose of one’s physical wealth should extend online and enable individuals to decide what happens to their digital legacy when they die. A vehicle that would enable this control is post-mortem privacy i.e. the right of a person to preserve and control what becomes of his or her reputation, dignity, integrity, secrets or memory after death. She will explore post-mortem privacy from a philosophical, legal & technological angle. She will discuss the most recent case law, statutes, and offer ideas for legislating the area around the world.
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