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Every effort must be taken to make sure that all research involving animals is both necessary and humane. The NC3Rs is an organisation dedicated to the ‘3Rs’: the Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of the use of animals in scientific research. Come and see how we apply the 3Rs to science here at Leeds!
Of SuperWorms and SuperMan – Why a little bit of stress is good for you
Dr Patricija Van Oosten-Hawle
(Lecturer in Cell Biology)
In 2003, Space Shuttle Columbia exploded upon re-entry into Earth’s atmosphere. There were no human survivors. Weeks after the disaster, a small petri dish of nematode worms was recovered at the crash site. All of the worms survived. The worm’s ability to overcome stress and thrive can be linked to the human stress response. I will talk about how this provides clues that could help delay aging and age-associated diseases such as Alzheimer’s Disease.
Can we recreate a micro woman-on-a-chip?
Dr Virginia Pensabene
(University Academic Fellow)
Pregnancy and fertility are unique aspects of our life and in a regular day we are exposed to lots of stimuli (pollution, toxins, plastics, stress) that can endanger our potential for reproduction.
In Leeds we build miniaturized systems to recreate our body on a chip, to study efficacy of drugs and the effects of the environment on human fertility and to support new life.
In Leeds we build miniaturized systems to recreate our body on a chip, to study efficacy of drugs and the effects of the environment on human fertility and to support new life.
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