Other York events

Beyond Curing Diseases

Step free access available
Past event - 2016
Mon 23 May Doors 7pm
Event 7.30pm-10pm
The Fulford Arms, 121 Fulford Rd,
York YO10 4EX
Sold Out!
Beyond curing diseases: innovation, wellbeing and transparency in healthcare research

Sense about Science and the AllTrials Campaign

Dr Stephanie Mathisen (Sense About Science)
In a perfect world, all the research involving patients would be published, so decisions in healthcare would be made with full information. Instead, the results of only half of all clinical trials ever performed have been made public. Full transparency about methodology, results and data collected, will improve our certainty about the effect of treatments on individual patients. This talk will help you understand why this is important and what you could do to get involved.

Digital Drug Development

Sam Bardsley (Glaxo Smith Kline and Imperial College, London)
Wearable technology is increasingly becoming a part of everyday life in the modern world. Devices such as Jawbones and Fitbits provide consumers with real-time vital statistics. With growing pressure from regulators and payers, how can we best utilise digital technology in drug development?

Rebuilding Our Bodies: New Ways to Replace Old Bones

Dr Paul Genever (Department of Biology, University of York)
We are living much longer these days, but our skeletons weren’t designed to last. They bear the brunt of the ageing process and become fragile and prone to fracture and disease. This talk will discuss a new age of “Regenerative Medicine” to treat age-related disorders and the use of stem cells and tissue engineering to build new body parts, in particular new joints and eroded bone and cartilage.
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