Other Oxford events

Can we read people?

Event on first floor; no step free access.
Past event - 2018
Mon 14 May Doors open 19:00. Event 19:30-21:30
House Bar, Wheatsheaf Yard, 11 Blue Boar St,
Oxford OX1 4EE
Sold Out!
Can we read people by looking at their genetics? What can our DNA tell us? Christine and Maria will talk about the latest, cutting-edge methods to read DNA and the potential these methods have for telling us about ourselves.

Array of Light – how to read DNA

Dr Christine Blancher (High Throughput Arrays Manager)
Christine works for the Oxford Genomics Centre, helping researchers work out the best way to sequence everything, from people with rare diseases to mosquitos to trees. Come and learn about how you go about reading DNA.

Gene Genie – How to fit a sequencer in your pocket

Maria Lopopolo (Research assistant in high-throughput technologies)
Maria is working at the Wellcome Centre for Human Genetics, helping to put a brand-new, pocket-sized, sequencer called the ‘MinION’ through it’s paces. Hear about what it can do, how it works, and what the future might hold.
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