Other Bristol events

Creative Reactions Bristol Launch

Exhibition runs 11-22 May
Drop in anytime, free to attend, no booking required except on evening of 11th & 17th May
Past event - 2018
Fri 11 May 6pm to 8.30pm
Hamilton House, 80 Stokes Croft,
Bristol BS1 3QY
Creative Reactions, part of the Pint of Science festival, comes to Bristol 11-22 May! Join us for two weeks of exciting SciArt as we pair artists with scientists to explore research in new ways. Creative Reactions is open from 11th May with a FREE launch event on Friday 11th May from 6pm - 8:30pm with hands on activities, board games, scientists, artists, and a solid selection of confectionery! Please book for this event so we have an idea of how much confectionery to buy!

Exhibiting artists

AJ Stockwell (Artist)
Alison Eddy (Artist)
Amy Hutchings (Artist)
Àngela Piéret (Artist)
Beckie Upton (Artist)
Claudia Stocker (Science Illustrator)
Ed Cheverton (Artist and Illustrator)
Emily Krainc (Abstract Expressionist Painter)
Felicity Swallow (Artist)
Frankie Partridge (Artist)
Jasmine Hortop (Illustrator)
Jonathan Rolfe (Screen Printer and Digital Artist)
Katy Barnfield (Carbon Fibre Artist)
Katy Connor (Artist)
Laura Cramer (Artist)
Laura Howarth (Contemporary Painter/Printmaker)
Mary Rouncefield (Artist)
Michael Blow (Sculptor and carver (stone))
Michelle Burns (Artist)
Molley May (Illustrator )
Naomi Joy (Animal Activist & Artist)
Sarah Davis Glass (Stained Glass Artist)
Sarah Page (Illustrator and Photographer)
Sheena Vallely (Painter and Printmaker)
Sophie Filomena (Artist)
will be showcasing their work
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