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This evening you will hear from leaders in their field, Professor Emma Hart from Napier University and Professor Sethu Vijayakumar from the University of Edinburgh, outline how they are shaping the future of robotics and AI. You’ll have a unique opportunity to see and interact some of their projects in person. You can even brag to your friends you’ve had a pint with a robot.
Mother Nature Knows Best, Lessons for a Computer Scientist
Professor Emma Hart
(Chair of Natural Computation)
From ants that know how to find their way home to slime-mold that can find the shortest path between any two points, the natural world offers us numerous examples of species that perform incredibly complex tasks despite having small brains or limited communication capabilities. They use surprising methods to deal with problems often considered too complex for super-computers to solve. This talk will discuss how computer scientists have been inspired by nature to design novel computer programs that tackle a range of difficult problems faced by engineers, businesses and scientists.
Shared Autonomy: The Future of Interactive Robotics?
Professor Sethu Vijayakumar
(Personal Chair in Robotics)
The next generation of robots are going to work much more closely with humans, other robots and interact closely with the environment around it, shifting from isolated decision making to more shared control. This talk will introduce powerful machine learning technologies that are enabling us to benefit from increased autonomy while remaining in control. This also raises questions about the optimal trade-off between autonomy and control? This is relevant to issues such as self-driving cars, deep sea mining, and prosthetics for rehabilitation as well as smart cities, to list a few.
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