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In the UK, around 1 in 12 adults reported taking drugs between 2015 and 2016, with cannabis most commonly used. Come and learn about the effects that drugs have on our brain and how they can affect our mental health. We'll also be showing you how data from neuroscience studies of drug response can be turned into art.
Hallucinogenics and the brain
Dr Chris Timmermann
(Cognitive Neuroscientist at the Psychedelic Research Group, Imperial College London)
What are the experiences of taking hallucinogenics? Some report seeing geometrical shapes, assessing new worlds or experiencing new senses. And what impact do these experiences have on your brain? This talk will explore research looking into these questions using neuroimaging.
Senscapes: where art meets neuroscience
Joe Barnby
(Neuroscience PhD candidate, Cultural and Social Neuroscience Lab at IoPPN; Managing Director of Senscapes )
This talk will explore how we can use technology to visualise and sonify neuroscientific data to communicate experiences some of us might never have, and better contextualise subjective states. Using MEG brain data from psychedelic studies, Senscapes craft an audio/visual immersive experience to explore our mind
Weed is a polarizer: complexities in the cannabis story
Dr Sagnik Bhattacharyya
(Reader in Translational Neuroscience and Psychiatry at IoPPN)
Cannabis use has had a chequered history- from therapeutic use in the 3rd millennia BC through being dubbed a ‘weed from the devil’s garden’ back to current push towards legalization and therapeutic use. This talk will present evidence that will help explain why those who use cannabis and others might often hold polarizing views whether it is harmful or harmless and inform the ongoing debate about legalization.
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