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Join us to hear about cutting edge research aimed at improving lives, from using computers to perform complex tasks, to growing human organs in the lab. During the event, you'll also have the chance to win highly-coveted Pint of Science merchandise! Please note that this event takes place on the ground floor and is accessible for those with impaired mobility.
How ‘Mini-guts’ Could Help us Treat Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Dr Katie Lloyd
(Research Associate)
Katie will share her attempts to define the visible signs of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) using miniature, simplified versions of the gut grown in a laboratory. These 3D ‘mini-guts’ closely mimic the structure and function of intestines. ‘Mini-guts’ could improve diagnosis, and help identify personalised treatment options for IBD sufferers, and can also be used to consider multiple illnesses.
What can Deep Learning do with Big Data?
Dr Vitaliy Kurlin
(Senior Lecturer - Department of Computer Science)
Explore the world of Big Data with Vitaliy Kurlin, a data scientist working in the new Materials Innovation Factory at Liverpool. The best algorithms extracting knowledge from data are based on Deep Learning, more technically a neural net working like the human brain. You will see how algorithms have recently evolved and what exactly can make these algorithms perform better than humans in some tasks such as car driving.
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