Other Newcastle events

From Atoms to the Cosmos

Please note this event takes place on the first floor and has no step-free access. Over 18s only.
Past event - 2018
Mon 14 May 19:00-22:00 (Doors open 18:30)
The Lonsdale , Lonsdale Terrace,
Newcastle Upon Tyne NE2 3HQ
Sold Out!
Lasers, telescopes and aliens, enough said. It might sound like science fiction but this evening is all about science fact - How do we use lasers and telescopes to understand worlds that are light years away from our own or too small for the naked eye to see? Dr Nick walker and Dr Thomas Penfold tell us about how they use lasers and telescopes to watch atoms move and explore the chemistry of space and look for life on other planets!  

Watching Chemistry Happen

Dr Thomas Penfold (Lecturer in Theoretical Chemistry, Newcastle University)
The emergence of lasers with ultrashort pulses made it possible to probe chemical dynamics on the atomic scale. This is to say we can actually watch the atoms move. In this talk we will learn how these experiments are performed, what they can tell us and what the future holds.

Starlight and the Chemical Cosmos

Dr Nick Walker (Senior Lecturer, Newcastle University)
Telescopes, starlight and colour are key to understanding the chemical cosmos. We will learn how modern experiments are revealing chemical complexity in the hostile environment of space; and how they might ultimately reveal life on other planets.
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