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On our second day of talks for the Planet Earth theme we will hear from Prof Jon McKechnie (UoN) and electric cars, and Dr Luis Salazar-Licea (UoN) and his talk on underutilised crops.
Please note that this event will be held on the first floor of Beeston Social and as such won't be wheelchair accessible. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Please note that this event will be held on the first floor of Beeston Social and as such won't be wheelchair accessible. We apologise for any inconvenience caused.
Electric cars are “cleaner” than petrol and diesel vehicles, but how “sustainable” are they?
Jon McKechnie
(Professor of Engineering Sustainability)
This talk will investigate the wider, life cycle impacts of electric vehicles to see how effective they can be at moving us towards net-zero, and to understand the huge requirement battery materials that they will create. We will then have a look at complementary strategies to electrification that can help to address these challenges and move closer to sustainable transport.
Underutilised crops and their potential for food security under changing climate
Luis C. Salazar-Licea
(Research fellow)
From over 7,000 plants that have been cultivated or collected by humans at different points in time, how many do you think feed the world, or how many could you recall? Join me in an introduction to the potential of underutilised crops and how they could help feeding the world.
From Spider Skin to Genetic Insights: Conservation Genetics of the Fen Raft Spider
Anna Maka
(MRes Student)
This talk will be about new, non-invasive molecular methods to obtain genetic information for a vulnerable spider species. DNA is extracted from the shed skin of the spider instead of tissue, minimising harm to the species. The genetic information can inform Fen Raft Spider conservation plans, and the method can be applied to other endangered species. Spiders are underrepresented in current research and raising awareness of the importance of them and other unloved invertebrates is a start to include them and teach people the importance of all the animals, big, small, fluffy or eight legged
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