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Healthy Ageing for the Future

Ground floor, step-free access.
Past event - 2023
23 May Doors 6.30pm
Event 7pm to 9.30pm
The Black Box, 18-22 Hill St,
Belfast BT1 2LA
How do we age, why do we age, and what we can all do to promote healthy ageing? Experts in the field of cell biology, exercise and nutrition science, alongside a panel of professional healthcare workers and happy seniors from our community will both educate and entertain you! 


Do we understand Ageing?

Professor Reinhold Medina (Professor of Diabetes and Vascular Medicine at Queen’s University)
What happens inside each one of us as the variety cells which make up our bodies go through the process of ageing. Can we control how fast this happens? What is the future of our ageing population? Are there treatments which can help slow down the ageing process? 

Physical and Social Activity, healthy ageing, and the environment

Dr Claire Cleland (QUB, Public Health)
I am a Research Fellow at the Centre for Public Health, Queen's University Belfast. My research focuses on the interconnected themes of physical activity, ageing and the environment (built, natural and social), to determine the best approaches for healthy active ageing.

Is intervening in ageing possible?

Eleanor Sheekey (YouTuber and Science Communicator, Cambridge University)
I'm a final-year PhD student researching cellular senescence and p53 at the Cancer Research UK - Cambridge Institute. When I'm not in the lab, I create videos for "The Sheekey Science Show", a YouTube channel with over 30K subscribers where I break down the latest findings in aging research in a fun and engaging way.

Diet and Brain Ageing

Nicola Ward (QUB, Public Health)
My research area is looking at how we can use lifestyle modifications specifically diet and exercise for the prevention of undernutrition and to promote healthy neurocognitive ageing. I am a PhD student part of the QUB team working on the PROMED-EX RCT examining the efficacy of a protein-enriched Mediterranean diet and exercise intervention in nutritionally and cognitively at-risk individuals.

Zombie cells in our blood vessels

Dr Jasenka Guduric-Fuchs (Research Fellow, Experimental Medicine, QUB)
I am a researcher at Queen's University studying ageing of blood vessels and vascular stem cells. I am looking into mechanisms that cause cell ageing and potential use of vascular stem cells and other therapies to promote blood vessel repair and regeneration.
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