Other Manchester events

How Can We Live in Harmony with Nature?

Step-free access and accessible toilets.
Past event - 2024
Tue 14 May Doors open 6pm
Event 7pm to 10pm
Withington Public Hall Institute, 2 Burton Road,
Manchester M20 3ED
Sold Out!
Humans and nature: bad roommates or happy couple? Can humans and nature can coexist in harmony and how would this look? In this panel discussion, we will explore these questions together as part of an interactive evening. With input from experts in reforestation, coastal habitats, insect ecology, and community green spaces, this is bound to be a thought-provoking and exciting night.

Pizza will be available from 6:00 pm until 8:30 pm so come down early to grab a slice with your pint!

Forests for a thrive human-nature relationship

Dr. Lucas Alencar (Research Associate in Environment and Development)
Deforestation remains uncontrolled and fails to deliver promised development. Most recent research shows that forests relief extreme poverty, but it is not enough to permanently lift families out of this situation. We already know a lot about deforestation and poverty separately, but how to reconcile these two things? What factors can lead to reforestation and poverty reduction at the same time? Are any of the currently solutions enough to address this apparently dilemma? The short answer is we still don’t know, but there is light in the end of the tunnel and science will lead our way out.

Creating coastal wetlands: should we return land to the sea?

Dr Hannah Mossman (Senior Lecturer in Ecology)
For thousands of years people have fought back the sea to carve out cities and farmland from coastal wetlands. But rising sea levels make these reclaimed lands harder to defend, and we are now realising the value of coastal wetlands to humans – they can lock up carbon from the atmosphere, act as flood defences and mop up excess nutrients, as well as being vital habitat for wildlife. My research aims to provide an evidence base to help decide when and where to recreate coastal wetlands. Is the habitat creation possible? And what are the barriers to doing this?

Global change alters more than habitats

Mr Brenden (Bred) Beckett MRes ( PhD Student in Plant-Herbivore Interactions at the University of Manchester )
I’m fascinated by interactions in ecological communities. I’m an entomologist, taxonomist who loves community analysis. Whilst my work predominantly centres on invertebrates, I focus more on their interactions from a global perspective. Currently I’m exploring interactions between plants and herbivores and the role increased CO2 levels play. How does CO2 impact these interactions and why does this matter? Unlocking this information could help create guidelines on how to manage these communities in the future.

Urban Spaces into Nature Spaces

Debbie Wallace (Urban Ranger)
Nature is important for people and people are important for nature. However, many species, including mammals, birds and invertebrates have declined in Greater Manchester over recent decades. Land use mapping shows green spaces including parks and grass verges make up nearly 20% of Greater Manchester and residential gardens account for an additional 15% of land use. There are practical steps which can be taken to increase the biodiversity in these spaces and the more of us who take positive steps to help nature, the more can be achieved. Small projects in small spaces can make a difference.
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