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Often, it is difficult to understand what others are thinking, whether it be in a work environment or in one's family or social circle. In these talks, our speakers will explore the realm of perception as it pertains to our ability to convey information, as well as ways of understanding the world that are unique and beneficial.
How to read facial expressions?
Dr. Eva Krumhuber
(Associate professor in Experimental Psychology UCL)
The face has been a focus of popular and scientific interest for centuries. Through its paramount role in communication, it commands our almost continuous attention. However, how good and reliable is the face in conveying emotions and personal feelings? And can we detect its actual truthfulness when spotting deception? In this talk, I will discuss the various meanings and functions of the facial expression and explore more closely the science behind lying.
Is autism a perceptual gift?
Professor Anna Remington
(Director, Centre for Research in Autism and Education (CRAE) (UCL))
How do we perceive the world around us? How do differences in perception impact on our daily lives? Is autism a perceptual gift? Lots of questions… maybe some answers! This talk explores the idea that ‘different’ doesn’t mean ‘worse’, and looks at some of the science behind our perceptual abilities and talents.
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