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Tonight we have the best of both worlds in cardiovascular research, an expert in cell biology who builds blood vessels in the lab to a consultant cardiologist who listens to the beat of your heart to know which body part is affected. Join us and learn if you can mend a broken heart. This event will be held in the ground floor room and there will be goodies to be won!
Strictly over 18. Sadly no food can be served.
Strictly over 18. Sadly no food can be served.
Blood vessels from a scratch
Dr Alice Plein
(Research Associate)
If we laid out all our blood vessels in one line, they would reach more than two times around the Earth. They transport oxygen and nutrients to every cell in the body and remove waste products at the same time. In diseases such as stroke, however, blood vessels are damaged and this has devastating consequences for the cells they supply. To treat this, we need to grow new blood vessels to replace the damaged ones. Using a model, we will take a look at how the very first blood vessels form and how lessons from this may help in the future to grow new blood vessels for those patients.
Rhythm and blues: the secrets of a heart beat
Dr Amitava Banerjee
(Clinical Senior Lecturer)
The human heart beats 100,000 times in one day, 35 million times in a year, and 2.5 billion times in a lifetime. The underlying rhythm is crucial and can lead to far-reaching consequences. Atrial fibrillation is the commonest heart rhythm disorder globally and is a major cause of stroke by predisposing to development of blood clots. From kidney disease and cognitive function to heart failure and loss of vision, any organ system can be affected. Luckily, by timely diagnosis and treatment, these complications can largely be avoided. What causes rhythm problems and what can we do about them?
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