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How we experience the world around influences our every move. Just how does the brain decide what we see, hear, smell and feel?
The science of illusions: What can illusions tell us about how we perceive the world?
Dr Gavin Buckingham
(Senior Lecturer, Sport and Health Sciences)
We use our senses of sight, hearing, and touch to interact with our environments. But how does our brain make sense of all this incoming information? In this presentation I will examine some of the ways in which a range of different illusions demonstrate how our brain must be scaffolding our sensory input to help us experience the world around us, and show some surprising ways in which our ability to control our movements is separate from our experience of the world around us. Afterwards, the audience will have the opportunity to interact with, and discuss, a range of illusions.
A Fun Quiz does epilepsy
John Terry
(Professor of Biomedical Modelling)
A unique edition of the Fun Quiz comes to the RAMM as guest hosts Simon Privett (Epilepsy Action) and Professor John Terry (University of Exeter) combine to help us better understand the condition of epilepsy, research being undertaken into its causes and just how common it is in society! With two question rounds and an extra special music round as well, we hope the quiz will be both entertaining and informative!
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