Other London events

I’m Losing Control! Help!!

This event takes place on the first floor, sorry there is no step-free access. Snacks and fantastic pizzas can be ordered at the venue.
Past event - 2019
22 May Doors 7pm
Event 7.30-9.30pm
The Devereux, 20 Devereux Court, Temple,
London WC2R 3JJ
Sold Out!
Zooming into how the mind works can be fascinating. This evening you will discover how our brain manages short-term memory and long-term emotional wellbeing, and learn how to control these aspects. Do you dare finding out?

Pint of Science goodies to be won during the night!

Insides of a K-Hole: how to stop time and where is my Porsche?

Dr Arturas Volianskis  (Research Fellow)
First thing first, what I want in a pub is those teeny chemicals tickling my brain receptors and messing with the ways my neurons talk together, and last thing; is a neuroscientist boring me about the processes involved. Short-term potentiation (STP) is a form of neural chatter that is likely involved in working memory, the type of memory that you use to recall where you have placed your keys, your mobile phone or parked your car. I’ll explain, after a pint or two, how some drugs affect STP, suggesting that distortion of working memory alters our senses and triggers psychedelic experiences.

Focusing on (tech) solutions not problems - treating chronic depression

Dr Victoria Bird (Lecturer in Mental Health Care)
Depression is a common mental illness, with up to 1 in 6 people experiencing symptoms of depression within the last week. Although conventional treatments such as antidepressants work for many, nearly one third of people go on to develop long-term or chronic depression. In this talk we will look at how technology may be used to help treat chronic depression. We focus on two different approaches currently being researched within QMUL. The first assesses the use of tablets and mobile phones to deliver a solution-focused therapy and the second uses virtual reality-based group therapy.
Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors.

Other The Devereux events

2024-05-15 Building (Dys)Utopia: Urban dreams in the dust? The Devereux 20 Devereux Court, Temple, London, WC2R 3JJ, United Kingdom
2024-05-14 Liquid Landscapes: I knew you were trouble when you flowed in! The Devereux 20 Devereux Court, Temple, London, WC2R 3JJ, United Kingdom