Other London events

Imagined futures: Tales from tomorrow

Step-free access, accessible and gender-neutral bathrooms, service animals welcome, 18+
Past event - 2024
15 May Doors open 6.30pm
Event 7pm to 9pm
The Glitch, 134 Lower Marsh,
London SE1 7AE
Sold Out!
Hindsight is 20:20, so grab this opportunity to gain some before it's too late. Three researchers, specializing in different disciplines, will present a short talk from the future about how the choices we’re making today have impacted the course of AI in society up to 100 years from now. Each presenter has been given a persona, a year, and 10-minutes to convince you where we may very well be heading. Following the presentations, the panel will answer audience questions and debate ideas around what changes we as a society need to make to secure the future we want for generations to come.


Big data privacy from Pint of Science 2084

Joe Bourne (Partnership Development Manager at The Alan Turing Institue and PhD Student at Lancaster University)
Joe uses design research methods, including design fiction, to spark conversations between different expertise (technical, domain and lived) on the subject of emerging technology, privacy and trust. Drawing from the design fictions that participants in his research have contributed, Joe will be returning from a future in which the public’s agency is turned up to 11 when it comes to privacy and big data: What does the future look like if we all had complete awareness of how our data was collected and how we could opt out? And what might we all design to make it possible?

Data democracy from Pint of Science 2074

Bastian Greshake Tzovaras (Senior Researcher in the Tools, Practices and Systems Programme at The Alan Turing Institute)
Bastian’s research is focused on using open source and open science methods to empower individuals and communities to engage in their own production of knowledge. In his talk, Bastian will explore how our increasingly ‘datafied’ future depends on the stance we take towards it today: Will we allow data to be used as a technocratic, automated decision maker? Or will we embrace a more participatory, democratic approach to data?

Geoengineering Earth from Pint of Science 2049

Professor Jon Crowcroft (Marconi Professor of Communications Systems in the Computer Laboratory and Special Advisors to the Executive at The Alan Turing Institute)
Jon's main research area is computing systems – most recently, targeting use cases associated with digital public goods and services. Travelling back from 2049 Jon will share 25 years of exponential tales from a future where he holds a role in the Ministry of the Future, tasked with defending the planet against climate catastrophe. Find out what happened when the Extinction Rebellion generation took charge of the future.

The new space race from Pint of Science 2060

Smera Jayadeva (Research Assistant in Data Justice and Global Ethical Futures at The Alan Turing Institute)
Smera approaches AI ethics research through socio-technical critical evaluation which aims to recentre individuals, communities, and regions from the periphery to the focus of the conversation. In this talk, Smera will showcase future AI innovation and development by highlighting how our collective success in near space exploration was a giant leap for mankind… But it also raised a much bigger question - how, why, and who should be at the helm of this future.
Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors.

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