© Pint of Science, 2025. All rights reserved.
Come and hear how we can use the latest techniques to visualise disease. Pint of Science pint glasses and tshirts to be won! (Please note: event located on the first floor, only accessible via stairs.)
Lighting up inherited heart disease
Dr Matt Daniels
(Grant Holding Senior Scientist and Consultant Physician)
Some people die suddenly at a young age because the heart has been built a little differently. We combine many techniques to unravel these differences to understand what exactly the problem is, and how we might help patients. I’ll show how we can make heart cells from the skin cells of patients and will show how we make tools out of naturally occurring proteins in jellyfish, sea-corals, and blue-green algae and use them to visualise and control excitable cells like those found in the heart.
Using MRI to explore cardiac disease
Professor Matthew Robson
(Associate Professor of Biomedical Imaging)
Matthew will talk about how MRI is used in diagnosing diseases of the heart and how his research team are expanding the capabilities of MRI for basic research and in the clinic.
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