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Just when you thought we knew all there was to know about the human body, researchers discover something entirely new. Whether this is the discovery of new organs to evolving genomes or the use of technology in our bodies to make us 'more than human'. Tonight you will hear from two scientists who will explore the innovations of the human body in ways you would never have thought of!
How can a panda, a dolphin and a dog genomes help us better understand our bodies and even help us fight disease?
Dr Araxi Urrutia
(Senior Lecturer)
I am a senior lecturer at the University of Bath working in functional genomics research. My main research interest is to establish how genes underlie complex traits. During my talk I will explain how comparing genomes from pandas dolphins and dogs are allowing us to uncover how our constantly evolving genomes underlie major innovations such as our big brains, our long lifespans, our social behaviour. This type of research is a powerful tool in increasing our understanding how our own genome works and identify genes which could play an important role in disease.
Dark forces in immunity
Dr Nick Priest
I studied Biochemistry, Genetics and Biology. Now, I work in the Milner Centre for Evolution, studying how disease constrains the evolutionary process. The talk will focus on non-immunological defence. These behavioural and feeding responses of the body to infection are poorly understood and are not considered part of our immune system, but, nevertheless, may be the primary way we fight infection. We will talk about evidence for these responses in humans and discuss progress my lab has made at cracking it in everyone's favourite alcohol-loving fruit flies.
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