Other London events

Is fat that bad after all?

Past event - 2018
16 May Doors 6.30pm
Event 7pm to 9pm
The Dynamo, 200-204 Putney Bridge Road,
London SW15 2NA
Sold Out!
Frustrated with your muffin top? You might change your mind after listening to these talks. Fat tissues and cells exist for a reason and not just to fit in your jeans. Discover why our body is equipped with fat and how 'being fat' might be just a cultural perception. 

Stubborn tummies – are our Palaeolithic bodies stopping us getting beach body ready?

Lewis Halsey (Reader)
Exercise is the route to a healthy body weight, so we are told. Yet many of us crank up our activity levels and the weight stays on. So what’s going on? It turns out our bodies might have evolved to hold on to our precious fat stores, to protect us against food scarcity in the future. So when we hit the gym or join the running club to prepare for our summer holiday on the beach in just a few months time, our body responds, but not quite how we hope. A calorie burned on the treadmill does not always result in calorie lost round our middle.

How fatness became obesity which became a disease: the cultural roots of the fear of fat

Kirsten Bell (Professor)
We are repeatedly told that obesity kills and that being overweight puts us at risk of heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Moreover, obesity is increasingly being framed as a disease in its own right. However, these assumptions about fatness are far from universal. As I will discuss in this talk, because the prevailing discourse about fat is a medical one, this disguises its connection with underlying cultural values and beliefs. Through a focus on the widespread cultural variation regarding the point at which a ‘normal’ body becomes a ‘fat’ body and the different meanings attached to fatness.
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