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Let there be light!

Venue accessible with accessible toilets
14 May Doors open 7pm
Event 7.30pm to 9.30pm
Sandy's Bar @ The Union (St Andrews), St Mary's Place,
St Andrews & Dundee KY16 9UZ
Tickets Price Qty
Standard £5.00
Donation Keep Pint of
Science going

Tickets remaining: 57

Exoplanets and UV light. The final frontier (not really).

These are the voyages of Pint of Science St Andrews. 

Your mission; join our two physicsy superstars as they whisk us through some exciting science all about planets and light!

Hunt for Planet B

Ancy Anna John (PhD Scholar)
Did you know there are over 5600 planets discovered dancing around stars beyond our Sun, known as 'exoplanets'? Using various methods, we've unveiled a rich tapestry of worlds, which has made us appreciate the uniqueness of our own Solar System. This talk will illustrate how unique our Solar System is, how hard it is to find an ‘exo-Earth’ in the habitable zone of other Suns, and the ground-breaking advancements propelling the search for our cosmic twin. Get ready to ride the wave of discovery!

Far-Ultraviolet lighting to prevent the airborne spread of disease

Prof Kenny Wood (Professor in School of Physics and Astronomy)
For over a hundred years the germicidal properties of UV light and its role in suppressing transmission of airborne diseases have been known, but because of safety concerns the installation mercury-based UV lighting with wavelengths around 254nm has not been widely adopted. Recently it has been proposed that UV light with wavelengths around 220nm has a much better safety profile because proteins in the uppermost (dead) layers of the skin and eyes are highly absorbing and prevent the light from reaching layers where live cell damage may occur and replicate. I will give a brief overview of germicidal ultraviolet and then highlight the various research projects our group has undertaken to assess the safety and efficacy of the 222nm wavelength and the lights that are now coming to market.
Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors.

Other Sandy's Bar @ The Union (St Andrews) events

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2024-05-15 Memory and Survival Sandy's Bar @ The Union (St Andrews) St Mary's Place, St Andrews & Dundee, KY16 9UZ, United Kingdom
15 May
St Andrews & Dundee

Memory and Survival

Mind 01 Brain