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Join us for an evening uncovering secrets about our spine and light treatments for cancer. By the end of the night, you will understand more about what makes the spine work, how we can treat spinal injuries and how cancer treatments are moving into the 21st century with the use of light!
The spinal countdown
Dr Timothy Holsgrove
(Senior Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering)
What makes the spine such an important component of the human body? Ever wondered what the back can and cannot do? Join Tim and discover all the answers to these questions and more. He will provide an outline of the spine, the issues of injury, degeneration and aging, what treatments there are and what research is being done to develop better treatments.
Happy spine? A tale of movement and cells
Daniela Lazaro Pacheco
(Postgraduate Research Student, Engineering)
Back pain can be caused by different factors. Often the doctor’s advice is to adopt a more active lifestyle to promote back recovery. But how does movement affect the health of our spine? How much activity is too much? We have a way to find out using a spine simulator that replicates the body movements. Join us to uncover the untold stories of the spine and cell response to our daily activities, yes, even that lovely Dartmouth weekend bike ride!
Demon in the Dark
Dr Ryan Edginton
(Communities Engagement Manager: RaNT Programme)
Cancer is a sneaky disease. Even with symptoms, it can be difficult to identify what sort the patient has and spot where it’s hiding. Finding and treating cancer usually requires invasive, potentially risky operations to remove small bits of tissue, sometimes even before a diagnosis can be made! RaNT aims to change all that. Join our laser show, and discover how we’re using light to unmask and exorcise these devilish cells, deep inside the body, without even breaking the skin!
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