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Just because you cannot see it, it does not mean it is not happening. Join us on this epic battle night, starring humans and bacteria. The ultimate goal is survival. Who will come out on top?
Fighting superbugs with diagnostics
Dr Mark Gray
(Associate Professor, University of Sunderland)
Tonight, we will explore the reasons behind why antibiotics don’t work as well as the used to. We’ll see why this matters in terms of a predicted massive increase in serious illness and deaths.
However, we have seen this threat coming and we are now fighting back. You will see specialist tools and strategies we can all use to prevent the spread of these superbugs. Most importantly, afterwards you can spread the word, and perhaps help save the lives of those you love.
However, we have seen this threat coming and we are now fighting back. You will see specialist tools and strategies we can all use to prevent the spread of these superbugs. Most importantly, afterwards you can spread the word, and perhaps help save the lives of those you love.
The Hunger Games: The fight of gut bacteria for vitamin B12
Dr Javier Abellon-Ruiz
(Research Associate, Newcastle University)
Tonight, we are going to see the fight of humans and gut bacteria to capture a vitamin called B12. This vitamin is almost exclusively found in food of animal origin but is essential for humans and many bacteria that live within us. Do we get enough vitamin in our diet? Do we compete for this vitamin with our gut bacteria? Do gut bacteria compete with each other? Join me to understand the battle that is happening (even while you are reading this abstract) inside you to capture this beautiful nutrient… only the best equipped organism will survive…
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