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Have you ever wondered about how our brains process information in the modern era? Join us for a series of talks about online communication, sound processing, how genes might influence how we do at school, and why many of us will load up Netflix before picking up a good book!
Why read when we have Netflix?
Hannah Jones
(PhD student)
How many times have you found yourself saying you have no time to read while strolling on your phone for 5 hours or binge-watching a Netflix series? More likely to read when on holiday or long travel? Decision-making is influenced by effort and reward; we are less likely to choose activities, including cognitive and physical tasks, that require effort. I will explain effort discounting and how we measure it, along with explaining why you always find reasons not to pick up that book!
Role of genetics in educational achievement
Kaili Rimfeld
(Lecturer in Psychology)
In this presentation, I will talk about how genetics can influence how well students do in school, which is a big, yet often overlooked topic. I will use information from studies on twins and gene analysis to show how genetic differences in our DNA partly explain individual differences in school performance. I will also talk about common misconceptions in genetics and education, and share what science really tells us about this complicated topic.
Online communications
Beatrice Hayes
(Teaching Fellow)
Ever cringed at a Facebook status? Ever retracted the 'kind' in 'kind regards'? Ever wondered what the mindset is behind a keyboard warrior? Within my talk, I will delve into the psychological concepts and mechanisms behind why we communicate online and what shapes the way we disclose information online. From childhood to adulthood, I will also break down how our own development may play a role in our online communication.
Let's tune in to the sound of your brain
Anna-Katharina Matke-Bauer
(Lecturer in Psychology)
Have you ever wondered what happens in your brain when you listen to your favourite song or talking to a friend? Today, we will explore the brain's remarkable ability to process sounds. I will explain how sounds travel from our ears to our brain, how ageing influences our hearing, and why noisy environments like Pubs challenge our ears.
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