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Bydd y noson yn cynnwys sgrsiau ysbrydoledig dan arweiniad gwyddonwyr ac ymchwilwyr, gan gwmpasu ystod eang o bynciau sy’n canolbwyntio ar anhwylderau niwroddirywiol. Bydd y noson gyfan yn cael ei thrafod yn Gymraeg gan wneud hon y noson Peint o Wyddoniaeth Cymraeg cyntaf ERIOED, a a’n dangos bod y Gymraeg yn iaith wyddonol hefyd!
The entirety of the evening will be discussed in Welsh making this the first EVER Welsh pint of science, showing that Welsh is a scientific language too! This event will be conducted in Welsh with translation systems in place for those that need them.
The entirety of the evening will be discussed in Welsh making this the first EVER Welsh pint of science, showing that Welsh is a scientific language too! This event will be conducted in Welsh with translation systems in place for those that need them.
Datblygu therapïau i drin clefydau Prion: Angenfilod vs Zombies / Developing therapeutics for Prion diseases: Monsters vs Zombies
Dr Bedwyr ab Ion Thomas
(Gwyddonydd a chyflwynydd / Presenter and Scientist, Medicines Discovery Institute at Cardiff University)
Ydych chi wedi ystyried sut mae gwyddonwyr yn defnyddio angenfilod i frwydro’n erbyn zombies? Yn y cyflwyniad hwn cawn weld sut mae technoleg PROTACs yn cael ei ddefnyddio er mwyn brwydro yn erbyn clefydau niwroddirywiol prion.
Have you ever wondered how scientists use monsters to fight against zombies? In this presentation we’ll see how PROTACs can be used to fight against Prion diseases.
Have you ever wondered how scientists use monsters to fight against zombies? In this presentation we’ll see how PROTACs can be used to fight against Prion diseases.
Ghrelin, Dementia, a’r Gymraeg yng ngofal iechyd / Grehlin, Dementia and Welsh in healthcare
Dr Alwena Morgan
(Uwch-Ddarlithydd Biocemeg / Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry at Swansea University)
Byddai’n son am gwaith cyffredinol ein grwp ymcwhil sydd o dan arweiniaeth Dr Jeff Davies ym Mhrifygol Abertawe. Yn gyffreindol ry’n ni’n ymchwilio rolau buddiol cyfyngu ar galorïau a rôl grelin, sef hormon o’r stumog, ar niwrogenesis a niwroddiogelu. Ry’n ni’n neud ein ymchwil gan ddefnyddio modelau celloedd, llygod, llygod mawr a bodau dynol gan ddefnyddio meinwe’r ymenydd neu gwaed ar y mwyaf. Byddai hefyd yn son am ein ymchwil arall ar effaith gofal Cymraeg ar gleifion mewn nifer o feysydd iechyd, gan gynnwys perspecitf y claf a’r clinigwr.
I’ll be talking about the overall work of our research group led by Dr Jeff Davies at Swansea University. We investigate the beneficial roles of calorie restriction and the role of ghrelin, a hormone in the stomach, on neurogenesis and neuroprotection. We do our research using cell models, mice, rats and humans, and mostly by using brain tissue or blood. I’ll also be speaking about our other research; the impact of Welsh healthcare on patients in a number of health sectors, including both patient and clinician perspectives.
I’ll be talking about the overall work of our research group led by Dr Jeff Davies at Swansea University. We investigate the beneficial roles of calorie restriction and the role of ghrelin, a hormone in the stomach, on neurogenesis and neuroprotection. We do our research using cell models, mice, rats and humans, and mostly by using brain tissue or blood. I’ll also be speaking about our other research; the impact of Welsh healthcare on patients in a number of health sectors, including both patient and clinician perspectives.
O’r Copa i’r Cwm: fy nhaith wyddonol hyd yn hyn / From the peaks to the valleys: my scientific journey so far
Dr Emily Kirkham
(Research Scientist at ImmunoServ)
O weithio ar fioleg cellol a niwroddirywiaeth yn ystod fy PhD ym Mhrifysgol Caerdydd, i addasu i weithio mewn genomeg a diagnosteg yn yr sector diwydiant ac imiwnoleg mewn cwmni biotechnoleg. Byddaf yn trafod fy mhrofiad o addasu ac ehangu fy ngwybodaeth i symud ymlaen a pharhau i weithio yn y sector gwyddonol fel Cymraes sydd eisiau aros yng Nghymru.
From working on cellular biology and neurodegeneration during my PhD in Cardiff University to adjusting to working in genomics and diagnostics in industry and immunology in a biotech company. I will discuss my experience of needing to adapt and expand my knowledge to progress and continue working in the scientific sector as a Welsh person wanting to stay in Wales.
From working on cellular biology and neurodegeneration during my PhD in Cardiff University to adjusting to working in genomics and diagnostics in industry and immunology in a biotech company. I will discuss my experience of needing to adapt and expand my knowledge to progress and continue working in the scientific sector as a Welsh person wanting to stay in Wales.
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