Other Birmingham events

Radio Waves, Brain Waves, and Mind Reading

Past event - 2015
Wed 20 May Doors open 6.30pm
Event 7pm-9pm
Bodega, 12 Bennett's Hill,
Birmingham B2 5RS
Ever wondered what's inside your head? Medical physics can help you take a peek. How do we process information that help us make sense of the world around us?

Radio Waves, Brain Waves, and Mind Reading

Dr Michael Wilson
Mind reading machines are a reality... unfortunately much of what goes on inside your head is not! This talk aims to introduce the physics behind the machines (functional magnetic resonance imaging- fMRI), show you that you live in a make believe world... and leave you wondering if you really exist at all!

Ultrasonic Boom

Davinder Shirgill and Sophie Bissell
What do you think when you hear the word ultrasound? Stroke prevention? Cancer treatment? A way of killing unsuspecting aquatic prey? In this talk we will show you how ultrasound is becoming so much more than a glorified “babycam”.
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