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How can we protect ourselves? At this event, we'll hear from three experts who will cover how we can minimise the risks, regardless of whoever or whatever the assailant be.
Earthquake Early Warning Systems
Dr Carmine Galasso
Earthquake early warning systems (EEWS) detect incoming earthquakes, estimate in real-time the ground shaking/damage likely to result, and issue alerts to people in regions where ground shaking is likely to be hazardous. Warning times range from a few seconds to 1 minute. Once available, this information can be used in many ways, eg. stopping trains or moving people to safe zones. Carmine will discuss how EEWS may be used to design structural systems that respond better to reduce damage & loss.
Teaching Computers How to Decide What’s Suspicious
Jerone Andrews
High-resolution thermal imaging technology has shown itself to be a valid approach to mass transit security screening. Using intelligent computer systems, one can build integrated systems of algorithms to inspect the images, as a final line of defence. The system is tasked with identifying oddities, such as abnormally high body temperatures, and is required to make decisions as to whether an image is suspicious in anyway, and therefore whether or not it necessitates any further inspection.
X-ray Vision – Making X-ray Scanners Intelligent
Thomas Rogers
The cargo container network is so vast and complex that it is incredibly difficult to keep it secure. It is frequently exploited by criminal organisations to smuggle their contraband (e.g. drugs, bombs, people) between international borders. We discuss recent developments in X-ray technology and image processing algorithms, which can automatically detect threats inside containers.
GeoTag-X by Citizen Cyberlab: Help Humanitarian Disaster Relief Teams From Your Home Computer!
Margaret Gold and Megan Passey
When people flee disasters, they may spend years in camps. Emergency shelters - often tents - need to be protected from harsh climatic extremes in both summer and winter. Middle Eastern winters can be harsh, leaving displaced families particularly vulnerable. This project uses criteria developed by the REACH Initiative and the Global Shelter Cluster to assess whether shelters are suitably prepared for winter. http://www.unitar.org/unitar-unosats-geotag-x-needs-your-help
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