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Learn how cutting edge technology developed in Nottingham is helping scientists better understand the workings of the brain. Elena Boto will be sharing her work on quantum sensors that will help to understand mental health disorders. The team from mindtech will be telling us about the latest developments in digital mental healthcare. Finally, Richard Ramchurn will tell us about his one-of-a-kind film that is controlled by the audience's brain activity.
NeuroCinema - adventures in brain controlled movies.
Richard Ramchurn
(Artist and film director)
Richard Ramchurn explores the field of Neurocinema, the creation of cinematic narrative using audience brain signals. _The MOMENT_ is a near future Sci Fi thriller which projects ambitions for brain computer interfaces (BCI) from big tech, Ramchurn explores a world where thoughts have become public property. Using BCI technology Ramchurn asks viewers to think critically about their everyday interactions.
Ramchurn will talk about his research and practice and will screen 2 interactive excerpts from _The MOMENT_.
Ramchurn will talk about his research and practice and will screen 2 interactive excerpts from _The MOMENT_.
Virtual Reality Therapy to Improve Mental Health
Dr. Aislinn Bergin
(Research Fellow)
Dr. Mike Craven
(Senior Research Fellow)
Dr. Sue Brown
(Research Fellow)
Jen Martin
(MindTech Programme Manager)
Many people with mental health conditions find day-to-day life extremely frightening and this has a devastating impact on their life. VR provides a way to quickly and safely take people into these situations and help them learn how to overcome their fears through psychological therapy, and excitingly, research shows that the learning in VR translates to the real world.
Come and find out about the science behind the use of Virtual Reality in mental health, hear how Computer Scientists, Psychologist and Designers are working together to develop new treatments and see new NHS VR technology.
Come and find out about the science behind the use of Virtual Reality in mental health, hear how Computer Scientists, Psychologist and Designers are working together to develop new treatments and see new NHS VR technology.
Quantum Sensing of Magnetic "Brain Waves"
Elena Boto
(PhD Student in Medical Physics)
The human brain is a complex organ which tries to understand itself. Current technologies of brain scanning can give us insights in brain function, but usually involve big, heavy, claustrophobic scanners in which participants need to remain very still. These are not suitable for children, anyone who is anxious or has a movement disorder. In this talk I will introduce a new technology based on quantum sensors which can measure the brain’s magnetic field. The system can be worn like a hat, allowing a more friendly and natural environment while a participant is being scanned.
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