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If you've looked on the news recently, you may have seen stories concerning microplastics and their role as pollutants - but what actually are they, and what threat do they pose to us and to the planet? Tonight we will learn all about microplastics and the damage they can cause, in addition to ways that science (and we) can help reduce plastic pollution.
MicroPlastics, the small yet substantial problem in our rivers
Anna Kukkola
(PhD Researcher)
Microplastics, we hear this term all the time in the media, but what are they really? Where do they come from and where do they go? Come and discover how microplastics move in rivers, and how contrary to the common belief, not all plastics end up in the oceans! Find out how human influence with irrigation can have huge consequences on where these plastics end up, how their concentrations can fluctuate in wastewater outfall and how rainfall events in cities create huge spikes in plastic concentrations in our local streams and what can YOU do about it.
Recycling is not enough – Time to upcycle our plastic waste
Daniele Giannantonio
(PhD Researcher)
Dr Alexis Perrot
(Postdoctoral Research Associate)
Plastics found their place in a range of applications because of their advantageous properties; these very same properties, however, make them persistent in the environment after their use. Recycling plastic waste helps reducing their negative impact on the ecosystem but significantly degrades their properties and, hence, only delays their disposal. Join us if you want to learn more about an alternative -upcycling plastics- where plastic waste is transformed into materials with similar or superior properties, paving the way towards a circular economy where nothing is lost to the environment!
Daphnids’ detection of the Plastic Pollution Problem
Katie Reilly
(Postdoctoral Research Fellow)
Daphnia, or water fleas, are important species in freshwater environments as they link different levels of the ecosystem and are excellent indicators of environmental health. Here, we will explore the role that environmental changes can have on Daphnia and the wider ecosystem. For example, what impacts do microplastics have on Daphnia? How much do we know? How could climate change affect Daphnia? What’s next? Through this, Daphnia can help us understand how to tackle global issues such as plastic pollution!
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