Other Colchester events

The Climate: Are We Ready for Change?

No step-free access available. Please also note, the pub is quite narrow - if you have any specific requirements feel free to message us or the Brew House. Over 18s only.
Past event - 2019
Wed 22 May Doors 7PM
Event 7.30-10PM
Queen St Brewhouse, 7 Queen Street,
Colchester CO1 2PG
Sold Out!
Man-made causes of climate change are now beyond doubt and global lifestyles must alter to reduce its impacts. Hear about how it has affected Essex in the past and present. In the future, the negative effects of climate change must be mitigated. But how do you invoke change with an issue that impacts every person on the planet. The evening will also discuss how we can effectively devise political solutions to the climate crisis.

Bloomin’ Algae in Essex

Amie Parris (PhD student)
Algal blooms are a global threat to environmental and human health from contact through recreational and drinking water supplies. Increasing evidence shows recreational and drinking waters are at an even greater risk as algal abundance and toxicity intensify in the face of a warming climate. To understand this risk in southeast England, this presentation will explore the threat of toxic algae in Essex and throughout the UK to show what can be done to combat these bloomin' algae!

Climate Change in Essex: A Journey Through Time

Dr David Clark (Senior Research Officer)
Modern-day Essex has some of the sunniest and driest conditions within the UK, with a relatively temperate climate. However, it has not always been this way. In fact, the changing climate of Essex, and East Anglia, has seen the region covered in tropical forest, cooler underwater sand dunes, and extensive grasslands that connected us to Europe. In this journey through time, I will piece together the prehistoric climate and conditions of Essex and East Anglia, examining the geological clues and fossils of long-gone species that called Essex their home.

Climate Impasse: Political Causes, Political Solutions

Dr Federica Genovese (Lecturer)
We are living in an era of extreme weather. Wildfires, heat waves, typhoons and hurricanes are becoming more frequent. Soon large parts of the earth will be almost uninhabitable. This talk will focus on the politics that brought us here. It will dive into the power of domestic industrial lobbying and the politics of international cooperation to explain the current climate impasse. But the talk will also address the politics that can help alleviate the crisis and make us do the crucial U-turn, with an eye at the Green New Deal in America and the youth climate strikes around the world.
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