Other Oxford events

The end of the world

Past event - 2016
Wed 25 May Doors 6.30pm
Event 7-9pm
Joe Perks and Co, Oxford, 76 St Clements,
Oxford OX4 1AH
Sold Out!
Pint of Science pint glasses and tshirts to be won! Chris provides us with bad news about the prospects of the universe...but there may be hope yet... 

(Please note: event on ground floor, but please email us in advance of event if wheelchair access required)

The end of the world

Professor Chris Lintott (Astrophysicist)
We’ve got bad news about the Universe - it’s well past its best. Life on Earth has only a billion years or so to go, more stars are dying than are being born and the very distant future isn’t looking too rosy either. Astrophysicist Chris Lintott (BBC Sky at Night) looks into his crystal ball and explains what we do and don’t know about the next twenty billion years or so, searching for hope in the latest cosmological theories.
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