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There are 7000 rare diseases affecting 3.5 million in the UK alone. 75% affect children and include rare cancers, cystic fibrosis and Huntington’s disease. 80% of rare diseases are caused by a defect in the genetic blueprint, sometimes a single spelling mistake in the three billion letters that make up the human genome, yet can have devastating consequences. How is the genomic revolution helping?
Your DNA Your Say!
Dr Anna Middleton
(Head of Society and Ethics Research, Wellcome Genome Campus)
Big Data and DNA now go hand in hand. This is pivotal for exploring the link between genes and disease. The bigger the datasets the better. Most DNA data is ‘de-identified’, i.e. names and addresses have been removed but it will soon be possible to identify a person from their DNA alone. Would this stop you donating your DNA data for research? What harms can come from this? We explore what public across the world have said and how their views are shaping policy.
Solving the Unsolved
Dr Gemma Chandratillake
(Course Director, ICE Genomic Medicine programme; Education and Training Lead, East of England Genomic Medicine Centre; Clinical Genomics Specialist, Cambridge Rare Disease Network Trustee)
On 5 Dec 2018 Health Secretary Matt Hancock announced that the 100,000 Genomes Project had reached its goal of sequencing 100,000 whole genomes uncovering new diagnoses and improved treatments for patients with rare inherited diseases and cancer. This marks the end of a chapter rather than the end of the story and earlier this year a new target was announced for the NHS to sequence one million genomes over the next 5 years. Will delivering genomic medicine in the NHS enable better outcomes for patients and contribute to a wealth of information to drive the treatments of the future?
Creative Reactions
Eithne Fisher
Kate Grant
As part of the Creative Reactions project, these artists will be presenting their artwork inspired by the research of speakers in this talk series. The artwork will also be on display at our Creative Reactions Exhibition at St Barnabas Church, 24 - 25 May.
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