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From virtual reality to therapy based on your DNA, come and learn about what therapy looks like in the 21st century. Hear from experts in the field and listen to new research aiming to reduce mental health problems by making use of new technology
Therapygenetics: Which psychological treatments work for whom and why?
Professor Thalia Eley
(Professor of Developmental Behavioural Genetics at IoPPN)
Between 2016 and 2017 there were 1.4 million new referrals within the NHS for psychological therapies in England. Despite these services being widely used, there is little research into which treatments work, for whom, and why. Listen to new research exploring how individual factors, such as gender, age and even genetics can help to predict response to psychological therapy.
Virtual Reality for Mental Health: Bringing Reality into the Lab
Dr Lucia Valmaggia
(Senior Lecturer, Head of Virtual Reality Lab, IoPPN, King's College London)
Virtual Reality (VR) enables researchers and clinicians to bring social situations into the lab or consultation room. The same virtual social environment can be presented to different individuals to assess, in real-time, how they feel and behave. VR environments can also be used to help people overcome their fears and learn new ways of dealing with situations that cause them distress. In my talk, I will show examples of the use of VR in mental health research and treatment.
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