Other Bristol events

Things that get you hooked

Please note that this pub is accessible for wheelchair users. There are no gender neutral toilets.
Past event - 2017
16 May doors open 7pm
start 7:30pm
end 9:50pm
The Kings Head, Whitehall Road,
Bristol BS5 7BH
Sold Out!
Some of us get hooked by music, others have an addiction to smoking. Join us to find out how the brain copes with these things. Come early to have some fantastic food at the Kings Head.

Parking is right in front of the pub. Please note that this event is accessible for those with impaired mobility

How does my brain dance to music?

Why do we love music so much? How can this mysterious form of art guide our emotions? In this talk we will explore how music can change our state of mind. First, by understanding how our brain dances to music, what happens in our brain when we listen to certain styles of music and how this affects the behaviour of our whole body. Second, how musical training can even change the brain forever, providing professional musicians with fantastic abilities. Let’s explore a new way to understand the brain with music!

Tobacco addiction - nicotine and beyond

Smoking is one of the main preventable causes of death, still 20% of the population are smokers. Even though policy changes such as smoking bans and health warnings had great success in decreasing smoking rates, developing treatments to help smokers stop has been moderately successful at best. I will discuss the complexity of the smoking behaviour which comprises nicotine addiction but also sensory and motor stimulation. Using methods from experimental psychology we can tease apart the different components of tobacco addiction, and aid the development of novel quitting methods.
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