Other Guildford events

What makes us tick?

A small and fairly intimate friendly venue likely to have standing room only. Just a 15 minute walk from the main train station. Venue information: https://www.yeoldeshipinn.pub/
Past event - 2018
Mon 14 May Doors 7pm
Event 7.30-9.30pm
Ye Olde Ship Inn, Portsmouth Rd, St Catherine's Village, ,
Guildford GU2 4EB
Sold Out!
Returning this year to Pint of Science is the brilliant Sarah Campbell, here to talk about the vast intelligence and knowing our bodies have, how this influences so much of what we do, think and feel and how it dictates how we navigate and interact with the world and those around us. Professor Deborah Dunn-Walters will be delving deep into research around ageing and our immune system. With an ageing population this research is critical for our future. 

Intelligent bodies: how what we know is so much more than we think

Sarah Campbell (PhD student, Surrey University)
So much of the focus in psychology is on the brain and cognition, what we think and what we know we know. The conscious mind and what we see draws lots of attention. But what about what we don't consciously know? What about what we don't see? This talk introduces the vast intelligence and knowing our bodies have, how this influences so much of what we do, think and feel and how it dictates how we navigate and interact with the world and those around us. Discussing the link to mental health and the impact being glued to phone screens has on us in the modern age, this talk goes beneath the surfa

Ageing and the Immune System

Prof. Deborah Dunn-Walters (Professor of Immunology, Lead for University Research Theme Lifelong Health)
The immune system is an amazing system of different cells and environments which interact with each other to provide a balanced defence mechanism against infectious diseases and cancer. Its job is to recognise that which is foreign to our body and destroy it. At the same time it has to be tolerant of the body’s own cells and organs. Understanding this balance is the aim of many thousands of immunologists who want to understand how to treat diseases of the immune system, and how to use the immune system to help fight infectious diseases and cancers. As we age we have visible signs of ageing
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