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We'll be going on a journey through the earliest stages of our planet, starting from the origins of Earth to the emergence of life.
Paradise Planet Earth
Dr Francisco Diego
(Lecturer, Department of Physics and Astronomy, UCL)
Francisco will talk about a wide educational project embracing a variety of disciplines in order to raise awareness of the relevance of our home planet and of our place on it. We will review the current understanding of the processes behind the origin and development of solar systems, life and humankind. We end with a discussion about the imperative need for humanity to live in peace and in harmony with Paradise Planet Earth in order to reassure its own survival.
Forget the primordial soup! How molecules in a hot vent led to life crawling out of the ocean
Dr Hanadi Rammu
(Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Department of Genetics, Evolution, and Environment, UCL)
Research has come a long way since the Miller-Urey experiment that cemented the ‘primordial soup’ in people’s minds. In my talk, I will discuss the alkaline vent hypothesis, an alternative and compelling explanation for the origin of life. Specifically, I will look at how prebiotic forms of CO2 fixation can form simple organics that can be funneled directly into a proto-metabolism.
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