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Over the last few weeks, we invited you to explore collaborations between Art and Science and you have seen many different approaches to #SciArt. If you missed anything, find all the blog posts here and remember to visit the online exhibition here until the end of September 2020.
For today's blog post, our question is: Can you tell the difference between art and science?
We have prepared a quiz in which we will be showing you different pictures - either of artwork, or of scientific images taken in a lab. To make it slightly more difficult, we zoomed into the images. Can you guess which ones show art and which ones show science?
Sometimes, science can look very artistic. Likewise, art may contain elements and structures that are perceived as scientific, or follow scientific patterns. Maybe the border between the two fields isn't so clear?
By providing your email address, you will be entered into a prize draw for a free Pint of Science T-shirt so make sure you complete the quiz by the 10th October 2020.
If you can't wait to get creative yourself now, head over to the post about Jessica Emsley's artwork here and remember to share your results with us until the 30th September 2020 for another chance to win a Pint of Science T-shirt.
Or visit the Incredible You blog post here and download the templates to explore your body's tiny structures. More resources for drawing molecular structures (including a Coronavirus structure) can be found on the PDB website.
When sharing your results, make sure to include #CreativeRxns
To let us know what you think, please consider taking a few minutes to fill out our feedback form. Your feedback helps us to improve next year!
This is the last week of us posting for the Nottingham online exhibition but all the blog posts will continue to be available. We want to say thank you to all of you for following and sharing our posts, and thank you to our participating artists and scientists for coming up with such amazing work and making time for Creative Reactions, especially during these challenging times.
About this post
This blog post is part of the Creative Reactions Nottingham 2020 online exhibition. Over the month of September, we will be bringing you different examples of collaborations between art and science, including a chance to get creative yourself. More Creative Reactions Nottingham blog posts.