© Pint of Science, 2025. All rights reserved.
Pint of Science is more than just about the pints and science. We’ve created an inspiring network and community with stories that go beyond the events themselves. We decided to go after those stories and ask organisers, speakers and attendees "Was there a particular experience that stayed with you?"
In our first instalment we hear from some of the organising team and a speaker.
Cristina Perez-Becerril, organiser, Manchester, UK
"I was very fortunate to be part of the first team to ever organise Pint of Science [in 2013] and already then I could tell it was something special. At the time there were other initiatives that aimed to put researchers in contact with the general public. I think what made Pint of Science unique and special was that it manage to create a sense of connection.
The idea of having different volunteer teams in different cities organising the festival at once proved to be a winning one because it set the basis for the creation of a network that has consistently expanded and evolved.
In 2014 I moved cities and had a career break to spend time with my then 1-year-old daughter so I missed out on Pint of Science 2014 and 2015 festivals, and by the time I re-joined in 2016, the festival involved more than 50 cities across several countries. The relentless efforts of Pint of Science organisers to keep it going, the passion and enthusiasm of the speakers, the interest and support of the audiences all have come together year after year and have managed to build an incredible community that includes people from all backgrounds. Everyone is welcome to join this community no matter what their interests, skills or personal experiences. The main thing everyone participating in Pint of Science have in common is their love for science and sharing knowledge.
For me personally, being part of that community has helped me through some difficult times. In 2016, when I re-joined Pint of Science, I was dealing with depression and anxiety whilst caring for a small child full-time and looking for options to go back into work, with not much success in the latter. Pint of Science not only gave me back my connection with science but also made me realise how much I have to give, beyond my role as a researcher (or as a parent). It made me feel valuable and valued and part of something great. I believe in this project and in the people that make it possible. It is a privilege to be amongst them and I hope we can continue to make it happen for many years to come."
Dr Giuseppe Callea, speaker, Glasgow, UK
"Pint of Science changed my attitude. Even if my contribution got cancelled in the 2020 edition, the preparation and commitment to the experience played a significant role in defining the scientist I wanted to be.
I am an experimental particle physicist working in one of the largest collaborations in the world, with more than 5000 scientists from all around the globe involved.
Therefore, words like community and cooperation represent two cornerstones of my work.
Without the sense of community, none of the latest particle physics discoveries would be available and, our knowledge of the universe would be marginal.
Thanks to Pint of Science, I understood the importance of reaching out to people with different backgrounds and inspiring young minds to pursue a scientific career.
I hope to put my passion in future Pint of Science events."
Yuhan, attendee/organiser, Reading, UK
"I first attended a Pint of Science event in 2015 and instantly fell in love with the format! After starting my PhD I was then determined to bring Pint of Science to Reading, which we finally managed in 2018.
Coordinating the festival was one of the best (though stressful!!) experiences of my life, and helped me develop a bunch of transferable skills which have been invaluable ever since, professionally and personally.
Pint of Science was a massive part of my PhD experience and still is now - as a Chapter Manager I get to chat Pint of Science with coordinators around the UK and see what science communication means to people.
Having been involved as an attendee and as an organiser, the passion and scale that goes into putting on Pint of Science around the world never fails to blow my mind."
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