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Roughly two billion people around the world suffer from malnutrition, and severe droughts across East Africa earlier this year led to widespread famine. Come and hear how scientists in Norwich are using crystals and computers to protect crops and provide food security for those who need it most!
Data, Data, Data Everywhere!
Dr Robert Davey
(Computer Scientist at the Earlham Institute)
Technology is all around us, and we all know about the benefits and concerns around storing huge amounts of data about people and their lives. However, the techniques these technologies use to handle information can be really useful to open science, giving us ways to share and analyse scientific information like never before. Come along to hear about how powerful technology for the web can help us do better science, so we can fight crop diseases and work towards food security all around the world.
Molecular Battlegrounds in Plant Disease: The Little Things That Count
Freya Varden
(PhD Student at the John Innes Centre)
Crop diseases continue to have a huge impact on food security in a world with many uncertainties - but modern science is giving us more ways to study plant pests than just peering at some wilted leaves. Come along to hear about how advances in technology are enabling us to get a close-up view of the molecular battleground between plant and pathogen, and increase our understanding of how disease is caused. Ultimately, this knowledge could help us to give our crops a fighting chance against some of these most deadly plant pathogens.
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