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Evolution is key to the development and expansion of life on earth, and also to the survival of life in changing environments. Join us to learn some of the incredible mechanisms that drive evolution.
Mixing and matching the instructions for life
Dr Gemma Langridge
(Group Leader at Quadram Institute)
DNA contains instructions for survival and is found in all living things - including bacteria. The order of these instructions is very important but what happens when it gets mixed up? We are applying cutting edge techniques to understand the order and exact wording of these instructions in bacteria, and investigating how mix-ups allow bacteria to adapt to new challenges in their environment.
Scrabbling for success
Franziska Hoebst
(PhD Researcher at John Innes Centre)
Have you ever played Scrabble? Deep inside of you, we are very sure you have. You might not even know it...! Franziska uses computers and algorithms in her work to study the molecular language of living matter. Recently, she noticed that thinking about the game of Scrabble can help us to understand the evolution of all life on Earth - so join us to explore why Scrabble is the real game of life!

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