Other London events

Environmental Technology: saving what we have destroyed

Please note that this event takes place on the first floor and has no step-free access.
Past event - 2023
22 May Doors 7pm
Event 7.30pm to 9.30pm
The White Hart Brew Pub, 1 Mile End Rd, Whitechapel,
London E1 4TP
Sold Out!
Technology has been seen as the cause of environmental pollution and global warming, but now it is transforming into our friend to combat the problem. From retaking plastic-free water to developing sustainable cement, we present to you the latest technology that could save the environment.

Plastic in my drinking water – is that a problem?

Professor Luiza Campos (Professor of Environmental Engineering)
Plastic particles smaller than 5 millimetres, usually referred to as microplastics, have been found everywhere, including food, bottled water, drinking water, and human blood and stool samples. This suggests that we are ingesting these microplastics through what we drink and eat. Is this a problem for us? Where are these particles coming from? Are there technologies that can remove them from the water we drink? What can we do to minimise the impact of microplastics? Join Luiza, a water treatment expert, to discover the answers to all these questions.

The role of AI in tackling climate change

Dr Aidan O'Sullivan (Associate Professor in Energy and Artificial Intelligence. Co-founder of Carbon Re.)
Climate change is the largest existential threat facing humanity. With AI as one of the most powerful technologies dominating the current world and research, it can have a rapid and significant impact on reducing global emissions to meet the 1.5 °C goal, potentially saving humanity. Tonight, we will explore this potential and discuss the advantage of AI, as a software technology, over hardware technologies. We will also present the work of Carbon Re, an AI startup working in the wonderful world of cement, which is a major source of emissions and the second most consumed product in the world.
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