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Come to 'It's not personal, it's personality' for a night of personal exploration and find out which personality traits you possess. Learn how a perfectionist personality can impact your health and whether aggressive traits can be tamed.
The best recipe for tackling aggression
Laura Castillo-Eito
Have you ever lost control when you were mad? We all probably have. Especially as teenagers, when we are still learning about ourselves and our context. Psychology has tried for decades to find a way to prevent those outbursts mixing different ingredients to form interventions. But are all those effective? Come and explore these issues, hear about my quest for finding the best recipe to tackle aggression among adolescents, and find out how to mix some of the ingredients!
A perfect storm? Perfectionism as risk or resilience
Dr Fuschia Sirois
(Department of Psychology)
Can being a perfectionist, someone who always strives to be and do their best, be unhealthy? From doping in athletics, to the practice of health-promoting behaviours, to managing a chronic illness, this talk will review the latest scientific evidence to answer this question. You will also learn about the different forms of perfectionism and how to tell if you have these traits. With rates of perfectionism rising among millennials, perfectionism could be the next big public health crisis.
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