Other Coventry & Warwickshire events

Lets get physical

Step-free access. Food available at the venue to purchase.
Past event - 2019
Wed 22 May Doors open 7:00pm
Events runs from 7:30-9:30pm
Food is available to purchase from the venue
Backhaus & Co., unit 7 Fargo Village, Far Gosford Street, Coventry,
Coventry & Warwickshire CV1 5ED
Walk in, grab a coffee, and stimulate your mind to break down barriers around our physical health challenges and athletic performance.

Lets Talks about Sex-ual Health

Ms Julia Gauly (PhD Student, University of Warwick)
With 420,000 people diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection in 2016, it's clear that sexual health is a major public health concern. One of the big challenges with getting people to use sexual health services is that traditional healthcare services are typically perceived as embarrassing or inaccessible. Recently, pharmacies are increasingly trying to combat this problem by expanding their services, and it's easy to see why-they offer weekend access and require no appointments. However, are people happy to use the pharmacies for sexual health services? Julia will explore this more.

Hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome in Childbearing

Dr Sally Pezaro (Academic Midwife and Lecturer, Coventry University)
Hypermobile EDS (Ehlers-Danlos syndromes) are a group of rare inherited conditions that affect  connective tissue. But Hypermobile EDS remains misunderstood and underdiagnosed. Join Sally to explore how this hypermobile condiiton affects women and their babies during pregnancy, birth and beyond. We'll also discuss how women feel their maternity care can be improved given the lack of evidence about this condition. 

Wake Up and Smell the Coffee

Dr Neil Clarke (Research Associate, Coventry University)
A lot of us rely on our morning cup of coffee (or several) to get us through the day. But what about the performance benefits of drinking coffee for athletes? Caffeine is one of the most researched performance enhancers, being reported to help athletes train harder and longer, as well as perform better. But in the majority of research, caffeine is typically ingested in the form of tablets or capsules with water. In this talk Neil explores the performance benefits of caffeine being consumed in a more familiar way to most of us: through a good old cup of coffee. 
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