1 Mill Street
1 Mill St, Leamington Spa, Coventry & Warwickshire, CV31 1ES
Twisted Barrel
Unit 11, FarGo Village, Coventry & Warwickshire, CV1 5ED
The Graduate, Dirty Duck
Main Campus, University of Warwick, Coventry & Warwickshire, CV4 7AL
7573 From Our Lives to Our Minds https://pintofscience.co.uk/event/from-our-lives-to-our-minds 2024-05-14 05-14 14 May 2024 19:30 https://pintofscience.co.uk/assets/Events-Subsite-4/2024/pexels-nishant-vyas-735025bis_Laetitia-Sophia-De-A__FocusFillWyIwLjAwIiwiMC4wMCIsMzMwLDI1MF0.jpg 6 Our Society society https://pintofscience.co.uk/assets/Topics/society-white__ScaleHeightWzMwXQ.png 0 3110 Coventry & Warwickshire 1 Mill Street 1 Mill St, Leamington Spa, Coventry & Warwickshire, CV31 1ES, United Kingdom 1 0 1 Sold Out! Past event
7574 Unlocking Potential: From Math Anxieties to Multil… https://pintofscience.co.uk/event/unlocking-potential-coventry 2024-05-13 05-13 13 May 2024 19:30 https://pintofscience.co.uk/assets/Events-Subsite-4/2024/CR-Co-Create-Gallery__FocusFillWyIwLjI0IiwiLTAuMDEiLDMzMCwyNTBd.jpg 6 Our Society society https://pintofscience.co.uk/assets/Topics/society-white__ScaleHeightWzMwXQ.png 0 2145 Coventry & Warwickshire Twisted Barrel Unit 11, FarGo Village, Coventry & Warwickshire, CV1 5ED, United Kingdom 1 32 1 Sold Out! Past event
7575 Journeys of Discovery: From Lab Coats to Life Stor… https://pintofscience.co.uk/event/journeys-of-discovery 2024-05-14 05-14 14 May 2024 19:30 https://pintofscience.co.uk/assets/Events-Subsite-4/2024/pexels-harish-p-16176368__FocusFillWyIwLjAwIiwiMC4wMCIsMzMwLDI1MF0.jpg 6 Our Society society https://pintofscience.co.uk/assets/Topics/society-white__ScaleHeightWzMwXQ.png 0 2145 Coventry & Warwickshire Twisted Barrel Unit 11, FarGo Village, Coventry & Warwickshire, CV1 5ED, United Kingdom 1 38 1 Sold Out! Past event
7576 The Science of Everyday Life https://pintofscience.co.uk/event/the-science-of-everyday-life 2024-05-15 05-15 15 May 2024 19:20 https://pintofscience.co.uk/assets/Events-Subsite-4/2024/Crime-Night__FocusFillWyIwLjA4IiwiLTAuMTIiLDMzMCwyNTBd.jpg 6 Our Society society https://pintofscience.co.uk/assets/Topics/society-white__ScaleHeightWzMwXQ.png 0 2145 Coventry & Warwickshire Twisted Barrel Unit 11, FarGo Village, Coventry & Warwickshire, CV1 5ED, United Kingdom 1 5 1 Sold Out! Past event
7570 Technology and Beyond https://pintofscience.co.uk/event/technology-and-beyond 2024-05-13 05-13 13 May 2024 19:30 https://pintofscience.co.uk/assets/Events-Subsite-4/2024/beautmind_tues__FocusFillWyIwLjAwIiwiMC4wMCIsMzMwLDI1MF0.jpg 5 Tech Me Out tech https://pintofscience.co.uk/assets/Topics/tech-white__ScaleHeightWzMwXQ.png 0 3186 Coventry & Warwickshire ["central"] The Graduate, Dirty Duck Main Campus, University of Warwick, Coventry & Warwickshire, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom 1 3 1 Sold Out! Past event
7571 Healthy Food, Healthy Body https://pintofscience.co.uk/event/healthy-food-healthy-body 2024-05-14 05-14 14 May 2024 19:30 https://pintofscience.co.uk/assets/Events-Subsite-4/2024/jacopo-maia-gOUx23DNks-unsplash__FocusFillWyIwLjAwIiwiMC4wMCIsMzMwLDI1MF0.jpg 2 Our Body body https://pintofscience.co.uk/assets/Topics/body-white__ScaleHeightWzMwXQ.png 0 3186 Coventry & Warwickshire ["central"] The Graduate, Dirty Duck Main Campus, University of Warwick, Coventry & Warwickshire, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom 1 11 1 Sold Out! Past event
7572 Global Health https://pintofscience.co.uk/event/global-health 2024-05-15 05-15 15 May 2024 19:30 https://pintofscience.co.uk/assets/Events-Subsite-4/2024/Health__FocusFillWyIwLjAwIiwiMC4wMCIsMzMwLDI1MF0.jpg 2 Our Body body https://pintofscience.co.uk/assets/Topics/body-white__ScaleHeightWzMwXQ.png 0 3186 Coventry & Warwickshire ["central"] The Graduate, Dirty Duck Main Campus, University of Warwick, Coventry & Warwickshire, CV4 7AL, United Kingdom 1 14 1 Sold Out! Past event
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