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Join us in the future where healthcare is digital, spies are computers and pandas can go under the radar. Well, we say ‘future’, the tech exists and is bringing improvements so fast that these scientists are actually dealing with this now. Virtual reality is bringing improvements to healthcare, the technology is being developed to stop poachers intercepting signals from tagged endangered species and well, we know the trajectory that global surveillance is taking. Join us to find out more.
Virtual reality health: Seeing is believing
Dr Tim Robbins
(WMG, University of Warwick)
Health is so important to all of us in society, and whilst the NHS is under enormous pressure it remains at the very cutting edge. Virtual Reality provides enormous opportunities for patients, healthcare providers and researchers to improve health. Here we'll see how collaborations between Engineers and Doctors are pushing boundaries and improving health for all. As well as exploring Virtual Reality on stage there'll be an opportunity to experience Virtual Reality Landscapes in person, through the Institute of Digital Healthcare's Showcase!
How to stop poachers stealing your pandas
Matthew Bradbury
(Department of Computer Science, University of Warwick)
Keeping track of our valuables is something that we all struggle with at times. It becomes especially difficult when looking after endangered wildlife (such as pandas) that can roam over large areas. To help, conservationists are starting to turn to the Internet of Things and deploying large wireless sensor networks to detect and track animals.
Matthew will be using live demonstrations to show how these networks work, but also how he’s working to prevent their fatal flaw –Poachers can also use the networks to identify where the animals are, hunt them down and capture them.
Matthew will be using live demonstrations to show how these networks work, but also how he’s working to prevent their fatal flaw –Poachers can also use the networks to identify where the animals are, hunt them down and capture them.
Future spies: man or machine?
Professor Richard Aldrich
(Politics and International Studies, University of Warwick)
Richard’s talk explains the changing world of secret intelligence. He’ll examine the impact of technology and globalization upon security and surveillance activities, exploring the likely future trajectories over the next ten years. With the prevalence of the internet, social media and platform capitalism, he asks, will the next James Bond be a machine?
Are earthquake and volcanoes (un) predictable?
Dr Matthew Blackett
(School of Energy, Construction and Environment, Coventry University)
Join Matthew to consider the controversial possibility of being able to predict earthquakes and volcanoes. There are many claims, both scientific and pseudo-scientific, that prior to these hazardous events certain precursors show up that suggest they’re on the way. You’ll hear about many of the weird and wonderful methods being investigated to predict these sorts of events and what some of their drawbacks are. Matthew will share his own research about realistic prospects for the future of prediction, focusing on current and future technological developments.
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