Other Glasgow events

Space Rocks with the Museum of the Moon

14+ only.
Past event - 2018
Tue 12 Jun 19:00 to 22:00
Mackintosh Queen's Cross Church, 870 Garscube Rd,
Glasgow G20 7EL
Come spend an evening under the Moon and enjoy not only the spectacular view but also a chance to hear from space scientists about their own research. The evening will consist of interactive demonstrations of space-related activities (think back to the excitement of a science fair when you were a kid!) followed by several brief talks from scientists in space related fields covering how humans explore space, what space rocks are good for, and what use is studying super-massive objects in distant parts of the galaxy? Did we mention you could also hold a meteorite?

It's Not a God-Awful Small Affair: Searching for Signs of Life in the Solar System

Aine O'Brien (PhD Student at the University of Glasgow)
I'm a PhD student studying martian meteorites at te University of Glasgow. I look for complex organic materials in volcanic rocks to inform our search for life on the red planet. But where else should we look? What should we be looking for and why?

Smaller Rockets for Smaller Satellites

Dr Patrick Harkness (Senior Lecturer (Systems Power and Energy) - University of Glasgow)
Rockets are used to travel into space, but the useful payload is only a tiny fraction of the total weight of the vehicle. This is a particular problem for smaller rockets, most suited to the small spacecraft for which Glasgow is famous. Working with partners in Ukraine, researchers from the University of Glasgow have been developing an engine that can help to address this issue, and hopefully enable smaller and better-suited launch vehicles in the future.

A Trip to NASA and How Do We Know What We Know?

Annemarie Pickersgill (PhD Student at the University of Glasgow)
I'm a PhD student at the University of Glasgow and one of the coolest things I've ever done was to go to NASA to study Apollo samples - I'll talk about that experience and discuss how we know what we think we know about the surface of the Moon.

Black Holes and Revelations

Tim Hewlett (PhD student - University of St Andrews)
I’m a final year PhD student at the University of St Andrews. My research focuses on the formation and evolution of supermassive black holes and galaxies. We live in a Universe teeming with black holes. But what are black holes? How do they form, how do we learn about them and what can they teach us about the world we live in?

Gravitational Waves

Dr Karen Haughian (Research Fellow (Physics and Astronomy) - University of Glasgow)
I'm a research fellow at the University of Glasgow, and I am part of a team that designs detectors of gravitational waves. Gravitational waves are ripples in spacetime that are caused by giant events such as merging black holes.

Fireballs in the Sky

Dr Luke Daly (Postdoctoral Research Associate at University of Glasgow)
I'm a postdoctoral research associate at the University of Glasgow and with a dozen off the shelf digital cameras, and a little bit of help from our Australian friends I want to find the first Scottish meteorite for over 100 years. Here's how were going to do it and how you can help @FireballsUK @FireballsSky
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