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Environmental control

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Past event - 2023
Tue 23 May Doors 7pm
Event 7:30-9:30pm
The Drapers Lounge, 15 Bancroft Rd, Bethnal Green,
London E1 4FZ
Can we, should we? How does technology provide us with greater control? Dr Mona Jaber will discuss how control of the internet could allow us potential intelligent transport and smart energy! Dr Paul Balcombe is talking about all things methane and how controlling its levels could be the key to halting climate change!

Internet of Things: An exciting way to enable sustainable development

Dr Mona Jaber (Lecturer in Internet of Things)
Have you ever wondered how electricity smart meters or CCTV are connected to each other and to you? How do they share data? This is what we call “Internet of Things” (IoT). IoT relates to the different sensors connected all over the internet which are becoming increasingly vital. The UN has set out 17 sustainable goals and IoT can play a large role in helping these goals to fruition. In this talk, I will expose the benefits and challenges of the IoT, taking you on a data journey through two exciting research areas my group are working on: "Intelligent Transportation" and "Smart Energy"

Is cutting methane emissions the quickest way to halt climate change?

Dr Paul Balcombe (Lecturer in Chemical Engineering and Renewable Energy)
Methane is the second most important greenhouse gas, and many believe it is the quickest route to halting climate change… but what do we really know about where methane comes from, what can we do about it, and who needs to do it?
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