Other Sheffield events

Thinking about thinking

The doors at this venue are narrow. If you have accessibility requirements, please contact the venue or the Pint of Science Sheffield team on 0114 222 0563 before ordering tickets.
Past event - 2019
Mon 20 May Doors 6.30pm
Event 7-9.30pm
The Bath Hotel, 66-68 Victoria Street ,
Sheffield S3 7QL
Sold Out!
The brain and the processes involved in cognition are complex and mysterious. Join us to learn how the circuits in our brains interpret the world around us and what happens to the brain with the onset of dementia. 

Where are my keys? Have I lost my mind?

Laura Wright (Neuroscience)
Ever walked into a room and forgot what you went in there for and then thought you might be losing your mind? Well guess what? Probably not, but let us help you find out. Come and increase your awareness of the different aspects of dementia, how it’s diagnosed and even how you might prevent it in our interactive pub experience. You will have the opportunity to play games, win points and learn about how disease affects the brain.

Computation in the brain

Dr Alejandro Jimenez Rodriguez (Computer science)
What happens in the brain when a decision is made? How can we tell the origin of a sound or the orientation of bar in our field of view? This talk provides examples of computations performed by neural circuits in the brain, selected by their elegance and simplicity. It provides a delightful tour through ingenious, computational principles that nature has evolved and instantiated across species in the animal world in order to perceive, act or think.
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